445th post on this amazing blog. Blog gist will augur seeding. As blog tries to place teams by accurate parameters & teams who play with heart. Site called bracketaday.blogspot.com but not 1, but 5 brackets for march madness, nit, basketball crown, cbi & basketball classic which used to be called cit. Yet called bracketaday.blogspot.com due to technically 1 mm bracket daily plus other 4 tourneys I seed. Try my best to place teams by seeding (march madness & nit only) & location (march madness, nit, cbi & basketball classic). UCF Knights with Tyler Hendricks Calvary Christian Academy High Florida class of 2022 have been better than expected at hoops, UCF has many latina & brunette female students, Knights name denotes honor & Knights get placed here since post was on february 6 while Big XII is 6th conference down from beginning on espn.com college basketball standings page. Let's see if Knights can make basketball crown or another postseaso...